In Central Java, istilahj chili, chili clearly referring to Java. For chili as herbs called chili. One of the popular recipes that use chili Java is Gule herbs or gecok head / leg of lamb. Gule herbs or gecok, is curry goat head and legs, which coupled with chili marinade Java. Goat
curry seasoning (Java) is a shallot / white, red chili / cayenne,
pepper, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, lemongrass, salt, and coconut milk. Gule special herbs or gecok, was coupled Judi Bola Online with chili Java.
But now, the biggest commodity chili absorbent Java is a herbal medicine. One of medicinal godog (boiled), is a Java chili. Large
herbal companies like Fountain, Jago, Sido Appears, also require Java
chili, although the volume is not as big as ginger, and turmeric. Price jabai Java and cubeb, usually at the top of the pepper. If the price of white pepper / black revolves around Rp 20,000, - per kg. the price of cubeb and Java chili around Rp 40,000, - per kg. at the merchant level.
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Because the need is small compared with the pepper, chili price fluctuations Java, cubeb well, relatively non-existent. Differences
with pepper that when 1 U.S. $ is worth Rp 15.000, - white pepper price
reached Rp 100.000, - per kg, from the previous price of only Rp 8,000,
- When the Java and cubeb pepper prices increased only lessAgen Bola Terpercaya than 50% of
the original price . With stable prices, chili Java is a viable alternative commodities cultivated.
Java chili, must be cultivated with a pole or tree climbing, as well as betel, pepper and cubeb. In Central Java, Java chili plant communities generally with merambatkannya to plant shade trees. For example lamtoro, gamal, and dadap. Sometimes, chili Java also planted with fruit trees such as merambatkannya on mango, rambutan, and Duku. Although it requires shade, chili Java does not require shade that is too tight. Until he is more suited lamtoro propagated in plants, the canopy is not very transparent.
Although it produces seeds, chili Java has never cultivated the generative seed. Java is always a chili seed cuttings, rundukan, and separation of tillers. Same with pepper and cubeb, seed cuttings most widely used in the cultivation of chili Java. There are two kinds of material cutting, ie cutting branches (segments) and cuttings of shoots (shoots). Branches are used as cuttings, should be productive segments, which shoots still aAgen Judi Onlinelive. Segment old shoots dead, is not suitable for use as an ingredient cuttings.
Typically, cuttings planted in a sandbox first protected from the scorching sun. After
shoots and roots begin to grow, cuttings were transferred to a small
plastic bag, or plastic bag, and placed in a location that is exposed to
sunlight about 30%. After the seed grows into a seedling with leaves and roots enough, newly transferred to the field. Although
the absolute need Java chili as climbing trees, he will not grow well
if planted under a trunk circumference of plants that are too large.
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Chili Java requires land with loose soil structure that is rich in humus and organic matter. Growth of 0 m elevation. sd above sea level. 1000 m.dpl. the optimum elevation between 400 sd. 800 m. asl. Minimum rainfall of 2000 mm. per year. Differences
with pepper cultivated in monoculture feasible, then Java is more
suitable to be cultivatedTaruhan Bola Online chili along with coffee, cocoa, and cardamom. Lamtoro, gamal, and as a shade dadap last three commodities, once used as a jungle gym Java chili.
With the planting pattern like this, farmers can obtain added value of coffee plantations, cocoa and cardamom them. Planting
pattern like this has been done by the Java chili farmers in Semarang
District, Kendal, Waterford, and Boyolali Magelang in Central Java. In
fact they usually optimize simultaneously cultivating the garden with
coffee, cardamom, cinnamon, cubeb and chili Java as well. With dense planting patterns like this, they would be better cashflow.
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